Entry Fee: (All deadlines are according to race day being on a Sunday)
$100 until 5 p.m. on Friday
$125 until 5 p.m. on Saturday
Registration at the track on Sunday morning is $150.
Rental transponder $20.00 or bring your own transponder MY LAPS.
All classes: Chassis and Bodywork per CIK. CIK "style" bodywork only, no "full coverage" front or side bodywork. CIK full coverage plastic rear protection system is required. 4-stroke classes must conform to a traditional sprint setup with no lay-down seats. All rules are subject to change at promoter’s discretion, including class weights. Tire warmers and tire prep are strictly prohibited. If tires are found to be outside of the durometer window or do not pass the ‘sniffer’, those tires will be marked illegal and may be cause for driver suspension.
*Unless noted, PIQUET RACEPARK may be following USPKS, or ROK Rule Book for procedural, chassis, and engine specifications.
Unless otherwise stated, a competitor's age for the 2023 race season will be determined by that competitor's age on December 31st, 2023. Competitors whose age on December 31, 2023, does not meet the class minimum MUST either present proof of a waiver from another major series (i.e., WKA, USPKS, SKUSA, or SSKC) or request, in writing, a waiver from PRP. If a waiver is requested from PRP, the competitor's racing resume and history with PRP will be reviewed and a decision will be provided, in writing, within 30 days. If a waiver is not approved, the competitor may request a review after each 30-day period following the original decision.
CIK Push Back Bumper Systems are required for ALL Piquet Racepark classes.
The use of the following homologated items are mandatory for Piquet Race Club Competition:
The front nose must be affixed to the kart with the CIK-stamped Front Fairing Mounting Kit, with the stamped arrow facing up. It must be possible for the front fairing to move freely back in the direction of the chassis without any obstruction from any part that may restrict movement. Any mechanical work or other intervention to maximize the friction of the front bumpers is strictly forbidden.
The black flag with an orange disc will not be shown to a driver if a drivers front “PBB” fairing is no longer in the correct position. If the front “PBB” fairing is no longer in the correct position after the race with one side pushed in, a 3 seconds penalty will be imposed automatically to the driver. If the front “PBB” fairing is no longer in the correct position after the race with both sides pushed in, a time penalty of 5 seconds will be imposed automatically to the driver. The penalty may not be protested or appealed. The front fairing must be in the correct position at all times during competitive elements, (see CIK Technical drawings 2c and 2d). Should a driver or other person put back in place a front fairing that was not correctly positioned before the driver crosses the scales and reports to Tech, the driver will be disqualified from that competitive session.
Class Numbers: Mandatory number plates.
*All Karts will be numbered per class. Numbers will be mandatory at all times, four sides.
DRIVER AGE: 5-8 Years Old
CHASSIS: Kid or Cadet
TIRE: MG RED 10X4.50-5 front and rear
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Competitor must be 5 years old at time of Competing
*Engines according to 2021 WKA Tech Manual
DRIVER AGE: 7-10 Years Old
CHASSIS: Cadet or Standard
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 225 - IAME Mini Swift w/ restricted exhaust header
TIRE: MG SH 4.60 front and rear
AIRBOX: Stock IAME airbox
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 7 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to USPKS Rules
DRIVER AGE: 8-12 Years Old
CHASSIS: Cadet or Standard
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 245 - IAME Mini Swift
TIRE: MG SH 4.60 front and rear
AIRBOX: Stock IAME airbox
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 8 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to USPKS Rules
CHASSIS: Standard
EXHAUST: 22mm, IAME part # IAH-02020
TIRE: MG SH 4.60 front/ 7.10 rear
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 11 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to USPKS Rules
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
TIRE: MG SH 4.60 front/ 7.10 rear
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to USKPS Rules
DRIVER AGE: 12-15 Years Old
TIRE: MG RED 10X4.50-5 Rear 11X7.10-5
SPEC OIL: Elf HTX909 for IAME and Motul 2T for Rotax/ROK
AIRBOX: Stock IAME, Rok, or ROTAX airbox
*Rain hoods allowed in wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 12 years old before December 31st, 2023
*Engines according to respective rulebooks
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
TIRE: MG Yellow Front 10X4.50-5 Rear 11X7.10-5
SPEC OIL: Elf HTX909 for IAME and Motul 2T for Rotax/ROK
AIRBOX: Stock IAME, Rok, or ROTAX airbox
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 31st, 2023
*Engines according to respective rulebooks
DRIVER AGE: 32+ Years Old OR 18+ Years Old at 200+ lbs with driving gear
TIRE: MG Yellow Front 10X4.50-5 Rear 11X7.10-5
SPEC OIL: Elf HTX909 for IAME and Motul 2T for Rotax/ROK
AIRBOX: Stock IAME, Rok, or ROTAX airbox
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 32 years old before December 31st, 2023
*Engines according to respective rulebooks
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
TIRE: MG SM 4.60 front and 7.10 rear
SPEC OILS: Motul 2T, Elf HTX909
AIRBOX: Stock airbox with according engine
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engines according to respective rulebooks
DRIVER AGE: 30+ Years Old OR Driver weighing 200+ lbs with gear
TIRE: MG SM 4.60 front and 7.10 rear
SPEC OILS: Motul 2T, Elf HTX909
AIRBOX: Stock airbox with according engine
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engines according to respective rulebooks
DRIVER AGE: 7-12 Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 250 - Briggs & Stratton LO206 w/ Red Slide
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.60 Front and 4.60 Rear
SPEC OIL: Briggs 4T Synthetic Racing Oil by AMSOIL
SPEC GEAR: OPEN – Must use #35 Chain & Sprocket
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 7 years old before December 10, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Briggs & Stratton Official Rulebook
DRIVER AGE: 12-15 Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 310 - Briggs & Stratton LO206 w/ Yellow Slide
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.50 Front and 6.00 Rear
SPEC GEAR: OPEN – Must use #35 Chain & Sprocket
SPEC OIL: Briggs 4T Synthetic Racing Oil by AMSOIL
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 12 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Briggs & Stratton Official Rulebook
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 350 - Briggs & Stratton LO206
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.6 Front and 6.00 Rear
SPEC GEAR: OPEN – Must use #35 Chain & Sprocket
SPEC OIL: Briggs 4T Synthetic Racing Oil by AMSOIL
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Briggs & Stratton Official Rulebook
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 380 - Briggs & Stratton LO206
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.6 Front and 6.00 Rear
SPEC GEAR: OPEN – Must use #35 Chain & Sprocket
SPEC OILS: Briggs 4T Synthetic Racing Oil by AMSOIL
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Briggs & Stratton Official Rulebook
DRIVER AGE: 12-15 Years Old
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG RED Front 10X4.50-5 Rear 6.0
SPEC OIL: T4 Racing Oil
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 12 years old before December 31st, 2023
*Engine according to 2021 Tillotson Engine Fiche
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 360 – Tillotson T225 RS
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.6 Front and 6.00 Rear
SPEC OILS: T4 Racing Oil
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Tillotson TPP-225RS Engine Rulebook USA
DRIVER AGE: 15+ Years Old
ENGINES / WEIGHTS: 390 – Tillotson T225 RS
FUEL: Piquet Fuel
TIRE: MG SH “Red” 4.6 Front and 6.00 Rear
SPEC OILS: T4 Racing Oil
*Rain hoods allowed in race director declared wet weather conditions only
*Must turn 15 years old before December 15, 2023
*Engine according to 2023 Tillotson TPP-225RS Engine Rulebook USA
a) The entry into an event is considered to be the driver.
b) The driver is solely responsible for the entirety of their actions, conformity of their kart, respective equipment, and all persons concerned with them, throughout the entire duration of an event.
c) PIQUET Racepark reserves the right to refuse entry due to karts not conforming to regulations.
d) Competitors may register for a class up until completion of pre-final.
a) It is the competitor’s responsibility to present a kart that conforms to the specific regulations of his/her kart. PIQUET Racepark reserves the right to restrict track access to a kart that it deems non-compliant with regulations.
b) All karts must have a current band or pass through Pre-Tech before the first on-track session of the race day, usually Warm-Up #1.
c) PIQUET Racepark reserves the right to tech any entered kart at any time throughout the race day.
a) Numbers must be correctly displayed on all four sides of the kart. Numbers must be legible at speed. PIQUET Racepark reserves the right to remove a kart from the track if numbers are not displayed properly or nonexistent. Numbers are required starting with first session on track.
b) If two drivers register for the Club Race with the same, unreserved number, the number will be given to the driver who most recently competed in a Club Race event with that number. If both drivers are racing for the first time, the number will go to the driver who registered first.
a) The driver’s meeting is organized by the Race Director for all drivers entered in the event. Location of Driver’s Meeting will be announced on race day.
b) All drivers are required to attend briefing. Penalties can be enforced by the race director for drivers that do not attend.
a) Per regulations as outlined in the class rules.
b) Fuel must be at ambient temperature before entering track.
a) Per regulations as outlined in the class rules.
b) MUST use same set of tires for qualifying/heat races, pre-final, and final. If a tire is damaged and unusable, it must be brought to the tech official and can only be replaced with a tire of equal or less tread wear. (You cannot replace a damaged tire with a brand new tire).
c) In the event a rain race has been declared, the competitor will have the option of running either slicks or rains. Slicks must be the correct manufacturer and compound for the class. Rain tires must be an MG rain tire.
d) Tires must be at ambient temperature before entering the track. If a tire is found to be tampered with, we reserve the right to disqualify that competitor at any time.
a) Results for all official track sessions will be considered pending until marked as official in the MyLaps Speedhive and Race Hero app. The posting of results does not automatically deem results to be final. In all cases, all results are considered final once podium ceremonies have occurred.
b) Transponders:
I. Transponders are mandatory for practice.
II. Can be rented from PIQUET Race Park, must be returned immediately following competitor’s final on-track session of the event. If rented transponder is not returned, competitor will be charged the full retail price.
III. The Driver is responsible for mounting the transponder on the rear of the seat and in a manner optimal for scoring system function and preventing loss of the transponder on the track. Penalty for incorrect mounting will be 10 seconds.
IV. Hand scoring will only be offered by race officials in race sessions, and it will only be scored as such if the driver’s transponder is properly mounted and present on the kart at the scale line.
Qualifying will be a 5-minute session. Checkered flag at the 5-minute mark.
a) Hot pitting will not be allowed.
b) Bump drafting/pushing is permitted.
c) Classes will be gridded for qualifying based on the official results of the final practice session.
I. Drivers must go out in their gridded qualifying position in order to be scored for qualifying.
II. It is up to PIQUET Racepark Officials’ discretion as to whether or not spacing will be given in each class leaving the grid.
III. Once out on the track, drivers may maneuver how they want, so long as they do not purposefully impede another driver’s lap attempt.
d) If a driver hits a runoff / cut course cone, their best lap will be removed from qualifying.
a) No fuel on grid. Work is allowed on the grid except for anything that requires the use of heavy equipment or rolling toolboxes.
b) Quiet Grid Area: PIQUET Racepark has a quiet grid rule. You may warm up your engine in the designated area behind the grid.
c) No personal vehicles (motorized and non-motorized) are allowed on the grid (i.e. bikes, skateboards, skates).
a) All air-cooled classes (LO206 Cadet, LO206 Junior, LO206 Senior, LO206 Heavy, IAME KA100 Junior/Senior/Master, IAME Micro Swift, IAME Mini Swift and Tillotson Jr/Sr/Heavy) will not receive a full warmup lap and will attempt to take the green the first time by the start/finish line. The leader should slow to pace speed approximately halfway through the track on the outlap to begin grouping the field together.
b) All water-cooled classes (IAME X30 Junior/Senior) will receive one full warmup lap. After completing the initial warmup lap, the leader in these classes should also slow to pace speed approximately halfway through the track in order to attempt a start the next time by the start/finish line.
c) If the head flagger does not see the majority of the field together prepped for a clean start, he/she will wave off the attempt and the field will make a full circuit around the track to attempt a clean start the next time by the start/finish line.
d) Clean Start Requirements:
I. Slow, consistent pace speed until punch-off cone.
II. All drivers within the tram lines of their individual row.
III. Less than ½ a kart length gap in between each driver in line (front-to-rear).
e) At the drop of the green flag, all drivers are allowed to leave the tram lines.
f) If the start is given but a driver does not meet the clean start requirements, they are subject to a 5-second penalty per failed requirement.
a) The post-qualifying and post-race scale readings will be deemed official and final.
b) Competitors MUST be weighed after qualifying, pre-final, and final in order to avoid a DQ from the session.
c) Only Officials may penetrate the Weighing Area. No intervention whatsoever is allowed in that Area unless it has been authorized by these Officials.
d) Violations to these rules may cause drivers to be penalized. Most offenses will be considered as a "failed scale requirements" penalty.
e) If the weight of a Driver and of his kart is under that specified in the Technical Regulations, kart and its Driver will be excluded from the session concerned (Disqualification).
f) Drivers may be allowed to drink a 20 oz. plastic bottle of water while in the scaling line.
The Penalties that follow apply to driver conduct as well as personal conduct for any person attending the event:
a) Number of positions gained/loss as a result of contact.
b) Number of positions gained/loss as a result of contact plus penalty positions.
c) Place or Time Penalty (up to a 10-second penalty or 3 position penalties).
d) 1 Lap Penalty.
e) Exclusion from TQ/pre-final/Final.
f) Exclusion from the Event.
g) Suspension for One Race Day + No points for that Event.
h) Suspension for One or More Race Days + No points for that event.
i) Suspension for present season or next season. Must leave the premises.
a) Your pit area must be left in the same shape that it was when you arrived.
b) Leaving tarps, tent stakes, and/or heaps of trash will result in a $200 fine.
** Any items not specifically covered in this document will be deferred to the most recently published USPKS Tech Manual / Rulebook.